Monday, July 12, 2010

Just DO something.

My babies have been asleep for an hour and I have not done anything. Just surfing the internet, not quite tired enough to go to bed, but feeling too tired to do much of anything and afraid if I do get up and do something, it will wake me up too much, and I will have yet another late night. After several nights 4-6 hours of sleep, I HAVE to catch up a little. An hour ago, I should have just done something. Now I could be in bed.

I have been trying to remind myself, and has been reminding me, "just do something".... even for 15 minutes, right? I feel like this has been resounding all around me this week. Over the weekend one of my dear friends and I were talking about her dreams and aspirations, and how it's the fear of not quite knowing what we want that usually stops us. "Just do something," I told her, "what harm will it do?" Take a class, see if you like that field. Don't just think about it forever.

On Sunday the speaker at church was talking about faith, and how it means so little to believe in something if you don't act on it. We can talk about something all day long, but you've gotta have some actions behind those words. Or everyone quickly tires of your talk. He told us how his wife rebuked him after "believing" many months that something was going to change, something was going to break though. "Thank you for being so full of faith, all this time" she told him, "but when are you going to pick up the sword and whack something?" (Of course I was taken back to Sunday school, trying to remember, is faith the sword, or the shield? Or was it the helmet? But I swear, I was listening!)

Regan and I were recently encouraged, in regard to what we believe God has in store for us "it's time to pick up the pace. YOU stir up the gift that's within you. YOU fan flame." We've kind of been waiting around for things to happen, instead of just doing what we have in our hearts to do.

Anyway, the point being, I have been constantly reminded that I need to just do something. Tonight I didn't want to. And now I just want to go to bed. And, I am not going to get all worked up about it, but I hate the unsettled, tense feeling of knowing I didn't get anything done. Had I just taken 15 minutes to do whatever, I would feel a lot more peaceful now. But, there is always tomorrow. And I really need to sleep. So, goodnight!


  1. But sometimes allowing your brain to zone out on the internet *is* doing something, and sometimes it's the exact thing you need. I think far too many people don't consider a waking rest as productive, but I find that it can be the most productive time during the day.

  2. I do agree with you, Addy. I think my problem is when I take that waking rest, but have not gotten enough yet accomplisher to feel like I've earned it, and it's not very restful because I'm thinking of the things I should be doing. If that makes sense? But, for example, I am at work and taking a break, but thoroughly enjoying it because I got lots of work done this morning :)

  3. I'm really enjoying your blog! I added you to my links. Keep it up, girl!

  4. I'm sitting here in that exact same position...babies in bed sleeping, surfing the internet and wondering why I haven't gotten anything done...too tired now. :) But I did get your blog read and now I know I'm not the only, see, you did accomplish something after all - you eliminated my alone-ness.
