Sunday, August 1, 2010


So, this is not going to be a very exciting post. Life has been a whirlwind again these last couple of weeks and I can't believe it's been so long since I've written a blog! I have been alternately inspired and tired all week and seem to only be tired when I have time to write, thus leaving me with nothing interesting to say. On a side note, I have been doing some creative projects in my business and am excited to post some pictures upon completion!

Anyway, tonight I was working on our budget and we consistently waaaay over spend on food.

I don't like cooking. I don't have much time to cook. I hate meal planning. I hate grocery shopping.

I know that food is the #1 place we can trim out budget.

Anyone have tips for a rushed, reluctant, uninspired cook, cooking for a picky eater? I need to start cooking better things for my family (vegetables, for one, even if Regan won't eat them!) and figure out a way to make it tolerable!

I need recipes, resources! Help!


  1. Check out crockpot recipes. You can set them up in the AM or even the night before so that you can not feel like dinner is a bear.

    Breakfast for dinner feels easier sometimes too. Quiche and omelets let you get in good protein and you can do veggies in them too.Plus, they are a vehicle for cheese. Mmm, cheese.

  2. Even though it takes a half hour, I usually make a menu for the week and write it on the calendar, then make a grocery list from that. Otherwise I wimp out and make mac n cheese for dinner (when Cory's gone) or end up running to the store for a few things and scrambling to put dinner together while the babies cry.

    I've been thinking about making a standard grocery list with categories and little check boxes next to the items and blank lines to help me not impulse buy.

    I also like Most are simple and they also have a section where you can type in the ingredients you have and they'll give you menu suggestions.

  3. Sharayah,

    I'm one of Amelia's friends & I recognized your pretty face smiling on Celeste's blog.

    I absolutely recommend and have heard rave reviews on More-with-Less. If you have a local 10,000 Villages you can pick one up there.

    I'll give you my trick--I always have a pot of beans either soaking or on my stove.. and if I don't--I'm in trouble. There are a thousand things you can do once you have some cooked. We usually throw together burritos, nachos or taco salads with whatever's around the house, but I am always content with a bowl of beans and rice. (As is my entire family!)

    Here's all it takes: Once your beans have been bubbling for about an hour, you can throw in your spices, onion and garlic.

    For PINTOS: oregano & a lil cayenne
    BLACK: cumin & cilantro
    RED KIDNEYS: bay leaf, oregano
    PEAS: rosemary, for sure

    Once you've got your red kidneys, try this! Addictive Sweet Potato Burritos. Their recipe is on

    I'm crazy about black bean burgers--and they're incredibly simple. Alls I do is mix a bowl full of beans with bread crumbs & sear those boogers in a pan, top with avocados, vegenaise, some onion and some delicious bread and I am HAPPY. We do pretty much the same with lentils, but I add onions to the mix.

    Yesterday, I cooked collard greens (1/2 a bunch @ $1.00 [with garlic, veggie bullion, and olive oil]), brown short-grain rice, and pan-sauteed some summer squash. I have never been so excited about a meal. Incredibly cheap. Insanely delicious. I think I rescued those squash from what would have been the trash can.

    Also, has a wonderful map to linking together tastes & what you have to work with.

    Bon appetit,

  4. Thanks, Laurin! I regularly facebook stalk the great pictures your hubby takes of you and Aimee :) I've gotten lots of suggestions for beans... my mom never made them, and seems we tend to make what our moms make, for a while anyway! I need to branch out!
